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There Are Many Ways to Serve.
Thank you so much for your interest in helping those who are struggling to provide for themselves and their families. SPIRIT of Santa Paula is a unique non-profit corporation formed to serve our community in 2002 and there are many ways you can help.
Our services range from serving a generous, nutritious hot meal each week for 600 people since 2008 (Which is currently on hold due to COVID-19), assisting the community with rental assistance and utility payments. We serve as advocates in Homeless Court, counseling at SPIRIT's RESOURCE CENTER for our unsheltered homeless people, pastoral visits at the jail to working with parolees. We assist in the Point-In-Time Homeless Count for Ventura County and we do FOOD RESCUE, provide FOOD PANTRIES on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and supervise USDA food distribution on Saturdays. SPIRIT also provides counseling and neighborhood mediation for all ages.
FOOD PANTRY every Wednesday from 5 to 6 PM at Wednesday from the Presbyterian Church at 121 Davis. Many volunteers needed.
(Many Meals is temporarily ON HOLD): Under normal circumstance, we serve about 600 meals each Wednesday from the Presbyterian Church at 121 Davis. (The kitchen door is on the north side of the building. Cooking and preparation begins at noon and serving begins at 4:15 pm. Decide when you would like to serve and just show up, wash your hands and get ready to chop, dice, slice, mix or fix. We need special help for holiday meals. Just go to the north side of the church and enter the kitchen. You will receive instructions there.) Until Many Meals starts again, please help where you can.
FOOD SHARE: We go to FOOD Share on Tuesdays and Fridays. It takes some training and only those who are interested in doing this regularly should plan to work in this phase.
FOOD RESCUE: Spirit is under contract with the State of California, CalRecycle, to RESCUE commercially prepared, unserved food to redistribute to our many food insecure families and individuals through our Year-Round Homeless Shelter, Resource Center for our unsheltered Homeless and our FOOD PANTRIES.
Every food service organization throws away food every day--some more than others. If you have a connection with any food service organization such as grocery stores, school cafeterias, restaurants, catering services, please put me in touch. We know how to handle food safely and are Serve Safe Certified. Help stop the waste. Call Kay 805.340.5025. The more we RESCUE, the fewer new Landfills the State will need.
Our Resource Center: is open for OUTDOOR SERVICES only, meals and sanitary facilities, seven days a week from 9:00 am to 2 pm. It is located at 1498 E. Harvard Blvd., Santa Paula. Also located there is our FOOD PANTRY on Saturdays, our certified Commercial Kitchen, refrigerators and freezers for our FOOD RESCUE Services, our counseling center. We meet and greet people who are homeless. Those who are ready to "Shelter in Place", when qualified, can stay at our Year-Round Homeless Shelter.
ONE STOP (Shower Pods) is a collaboration with Spirit, El Buen Pastor Church and Ventura County Health Care Agency, including Health Care for the Homeless, Whole Person Care Programs and Las Islas Mobile Health Unit. This program supports basic hygiene and connects homeless individuals with services helping their long-term stability including mental health and alcohol and drug programs, benefits programs.
We also provide FREE mediation and counseling services by appointment. We need people to pray for us. The work is hard but the worth is beyond measure.
Email Kay Wilson-Bolton, Director at 805.340.5025. Si Habla Espanol to Melinda Palm, Shelter Manager at 805.229.7750. ​
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